Dr. Anand Hindolia
Associate Professor
About Me
Interest areas in the field of Product & Brand Management, B2B Marketing, Retail Management and Business Communication. Published various research papers in reputed journals.

∙Published a paper Titled ‘Consumer Resistance to Innovations in Ornamental Gold Jewellery’ in Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (AMSJ) with Print ISSN: 1095-6298; Online ISSN: 1528-2678 in Jan- 2021 Volume 25 Issue 1

∙Published a paper titled ‘ A Study on Awareness of Capital Market Instruments Among Investors’ in Shodh Sarita with ISSN: 2348-2397 in March 2021.

∙Published a paper titled ‘A study of Purchase Behaviour of Ornamental Gold Consumption ‘in Conference proceedings of Springer publication (Scopus Publication) of 5th World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability held online in UK 29-30th July 2021.

∙Published a paper titled “A Study on Effectiveness of Online Teaching in Secondary Education in Mumbai City during Covid-19 Pandemic” in AJOMC Vol 7. No. 1 (January- March 2022 Special Issue), in ISSN: 2456-8937 ∙Participated and presented a paper titled “ A study to analyse gold policy in India” in International Conference on interdisciplinary research in technology and management (IRTM 22) held on 24th Feb to 26th Feb 22
My Objective
Qualification: Ph. D.,(NET, JRF) M.B.A., BFTECH.
Associate Professor, Head of Research Cell and Member of Examinations Team.