Mr.Abhishek Subhash Deokule
Assistant Professor
BE (Information Technology), MMS (Marketing), UGC-NET
BE (Information Technology), MMS (Marketing), UGC-NET
- adeokule@ptvaim.ac.in
About Me
Abhishek Deokule is an Assistant Professor of Marketing working with PTVA’s Institute of Management since past 6 years. He has a total work experience of 12 years post his Masters. He has published several research papers in journals of high repute. Apart from teaching and research he is also the NAAC Coordinator.
He has been a core member of the MMS syllabus review and formation team in the year 2017. He was a part of the team that drafted the syllabus of the Marketing Research & Marketing Analytics course . He has also drafted the syllabus for the course Methods of Market Research for the MBA in Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Venture Development in 2021. He is also a core team member of Navadhaara, a Student Skill Development Programme that conducts the flagship Bazaarhaat. He has also been a part of the research team instrumental in conducting research conferences.
My Objective
Qualification: BE (Information Technology), MMS (Marketing), UGC-NET, Pursuing PhD
Specialisation: Marketing
1) Online Impulse Buying.
2) Online Grocery.
3) Film Merchandising.
Specialisation: Marketing
1) Online Impulse Buying.
2) Online Grocery.
3) Film Merchandising.