Joint Virtual National Conference with NMITD

Technology Track

Management Track

Report on: One-day National Conference on the theme: Leveraging technologies and management skills to improve economy during ‘New Normal’, in association with Navinchandra Mehta Institute of Technology & Development (NMITD) and the University of Mumbai on March 06, 2021
Parle Tilak Vidyalaya Association’s PTVA’s Institute of Management and Deccan Education Society’s Navinchandra Mehta Institute of Technology & Development (NMITD), in association with the University of Mumbai organized an online One-day National Conference on the theme: Leveraging technologies and management skills to improve economy during ‘New Normal’, in association with Navinchandra Mehta Institute of Technology & Development (NMITD) and the University of Mumbai on March 06, 2021.
Objective – All countries across globe are striving hard to pull economies out of COVID-19 induced recession. There is a need for extensive research for understanding impact of the crisis on people and businesses and to find effective solutions to these problems. The key areas under exploration here are Human Behaviour, Management skills and technologies. COVID-19 has questioned every successful management strategy and our personal and professional life. COVID 19 has forced all of us to embrace digitalization on an immediate & urgent basis and this shall accelerate several major trends that were already well underway before the pandemic. Hence, a research conference was initiated and research papers related to these issues were invited from academicians, industry delegates, research scholars and students.
Schedule of Virtual Conference
Publication Details
Parle Tilak Vidyalaya Association’s PTVA’s Institute of Management and Deccan Education Society’s Navinchandra Mehta Institute of Technology & Development (NMITD), in association with the University of Mumbai organized an online One-day National Conference on the theme: Leveraging technologies and management skills to improve economy during ‘New Normal’, in association with Navinchandra Mehta Institute of Technology & Development (NMITD) and the University of Mumbai on March 06, 2021.
Objective – All countries across globe are striving hard to pull economies out of COVID-19 induced recession. There is a need for extensive research for understanding impact of the crisis on people and businesses and to find effective solutions to these problems. The key areas under exploration here are Human Behaviour, Management skills and technologies. COVID-19 has questioned every successful management strategy and our personal and professional life. COVID 19 has forced all of us to embrace digitalization on an immediate & urgent basis and this shall accelerate several major trends that were already well underway before the pandemic. Hence, a research conference was initiated and research papers related to these issues were invited from academicians, industry delegates, research scholars and students.
Schedule of Virtual Conference
Time | Program Details |
10:30 am – 10:35 am | Welcoming the Dignitaries, Key Note Speakers, Research Paper Presenters & Attendees (Mrs. Trupti Gupte) |
10:35 am – 10:40 am | Lighting of the Digital Lamp by the Dignitaries & Key Note Speakers along with Saraswati Vandana |
10:40 am – 10:45 am | Inaugural Address by Dr. (Smt.) Snehalata Deshmukh, Former Vice- Chancellor of University of Mumbai, Board Member, PTVA and Mentor PTVAIM |
10.45 am – 10.50 am | Welcome Address by the Conference Chair, Dr. Harish Kumar S. Purohit, Director PTVAIM |
10:50 am – 10:55 am | Address by Conference Convener (Rationale behind NCMAT 2021) Dr. Samadhan K Khamkar, Director DES’s NMITD |
10:55 am – 11:15 am | Address by Key Note Speaker (Management Track), Dr. Sunil Singh, Former President and Chief Human Resource Officer of Cadilla Pharmaceutical |
11:15 am – 11:35 am | Address by Key Note Speaker (Technology Track), Mr. Shirish Kulkarni, CEO and Founder of STROTA ConsulTech Pvt Ltd |
11:35 am – 11:40 am | Inaugural program – Vote of Thanks (Mr. Abhishek Deokule) |
11:40 am – 12:00 noon | Health Break |
12:00 noon – 2:00 pm | Research Paper Presentations 1) Management Track (Mrs. Aparna Patil) 2) Technology & Students Track (Mr. Pratik Desai) |
2:00 pm – 2:15 pm | Valedictory (Mrs. Aparna Patil) |
Status of Research Papers – 44 papers were received in Management track covering Impact of COVID 19 in the areas of Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Finance, Economics, HR, General Management, Operations and Education.19 papers were received in Technology Track covering areas of IOT, Business Intelligence, Transportation problems, etc. The participants included academicians, industry professionals and research scholars. Certificate of participation was awarded to all participants of the conference.
Presentation Details – Management track was chaired by Dr. Anand Hindolia and 11 papers were presented. 8 papers were presented in Technology track.
Publication Details
- Total of 38 research papers were published in UGC Care listed journal
Journal Name – Shodh Sarita.
ISSN: 2348-2397
Jan-March 2021
Vol 8, Issue 29 - Total of 24 research papers were published in Web of Science journal
Journal Name – Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications
Special Issue Volume 14 Number (5) 2021
P-ISSN: 0974-6455 E-ISSN: 2321-4007 - Total of 5 research papers were published in Scopus Publication
Journal Name -‘Psychology and Education’
Vol. 57 No. 9 (2020)
ISSN: 1553-6939